BUNAMBO KINGDOM Bunambo Kingdom was located largely in today's Southern and Western Bunyala. The immediate neighbour of Bunambo the East was Buongo. To the South was Yimbo location. To the West was Lake Victoria and to the North was Samia. Part of Bunyala south is drained by four major rivers, namely, Nzoia, Ndekwe, Namukhongo and Obaro. Rivers Nzoia and Yala formed swamps which are extensively irrigated agricultural areas with rice as the most ideal cash crop. Other important physical features in Bunambo are hills, valleys and plains. The most significant hills are Mwita Fubu, Singwe, Nanjuku, Nzalagobe hill, Wanga, Munjogo and Namenya hill. Bunambo also has a number of Islands namel Sumba, Sigulu (today it is in Uganda), Nabuduma and Khanete. The Abanyala are Bantu-speaking people of northern Bantu group/cluster commonly referred to as the Luhya. The term Luhya has been claimed to mean 'fellow clansman'. Osogo (1966:7) in the entitled The History of Buluhy...